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The province of Kayanza has over 700,000 inhabitants, the provincial referral hospital in the city of Kayanza lacked a dental service in spite of the great need

Before our intervention in the whole province there was only one private dental center in Buraniro where an Asian operator occasionally operates with prohibitive costs for the rural population. The absence of preventive health information and dental facilities cause the population to have a high prevalence of dental and periodontal pathology with paroxysmal phenomena in patients often defaced by malnutrition and / or general inflammatory diseases. Extractive therapies, the only therapeutic solution offered today, in addition to depriving the body of a precious organ, in the postoperative period puts the patient's general health at risk with possible unfortunate outcomes.

This project at the provincial hospital of Kayanza has created a dental center with two operating units in which two Thérapeutes Dentaires graduated from the Université de Ngozi from the SMOM project have been operating since 2018. Conservative therapies are carried out at the center and education programs are developed for the maintenance of oral health in school communities with the use of interns from the Ngozi degree course

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