Our commitment to Haiti continues in the mission of the Scalabrini Fathers of Saint Charles. In this year (2016) full of female volunteers we sent two missions: in the spring Giulia Amuro and Sonia Cominotti and in August Linda Cipriani and Elena Rossi. The clinic has a significant flow of patients followed by two Haitian dentists who alternate on weekdays, assisted precisely by our volunteers and a Chilean trainee. In the summer we occupied a small room next to the clinic where there is now a counter and equipment to build removable resin prostheses. We got in touch with a local dental technician who could use it on our direction. In January, with the mission of Dr. Ruggero Rodriguez, this service for the production of mobile prostheses for patients in the dental clinic should start. For the year 2017 it was decided to purchase a voltage stabilizer in order to overcome the problems related to the voltage drops that constantly penalize the work with the operating units of the clinic. A further mission was carried out by the Manager of Project, Dr. Marco Del Grosso, with Flavio Pagani, fruit processing expert, in order to lay the foundations for a new project, in agreement with the head of the Mission Father Giuseppe Durante, for the transformation of mango fruits into juices and focus. At the moment, a quote has been drawn up for the purchase of the necessary machinery so that, once its adequacy has been verified and the necessary funds have been found, it is possible to move on to the operational phase.
General objective
Improving the quality of life on the outskirts of port Au prince
Specific Objectives
Strengthen the clinic allowing you to carry out conservative and not just extractive therapies
Need Analysis
The population in Port au Prince lives in the absence of basic sanitation and without any prospect of social or health improvement.
In Haiti there are about 500 dentists for more than 10 million inhabitants so the ratio is 1: 20,000; they work freelance for 1% of the population who own 50% of the national wealth. We performed an epidemiological survey on a sample of children between 8 and 13 years, finding a DMFT index (index of caries pathology) of 1.83, therefore, despite the underfeeding, the index is 70% higher than the Italian one. .
Total population of haiti
10,000,000 inhabitants
Annual Pro Capita Income
$ 711
Literacy rate
Average life expectancy
Infant mortality rate
Human Development Index
Attori Progetto
Padri Scalabriniani
Smom Onlus
Invio di Odontoiatri volontari per affiancare il personale locale a poter eseguire interventi conservativi degli elementi dentali.
Technical Project Data
Project start
Project status
Project manager
Project Cost
€ 10,000