This is the report of the dentist Alfredo Ferrauti from Rome who during his mission in Burundi led to the opening of two dental clinics in two provincial hospitals Rumonge and Rutana,
In these hospitals we have activated our intervention model by providing all the necessary equipment to be able to help the population with conservative therapies. We pay the dentist, who has a degree from us, for 6 months.
After 6 months in which dentists will also carry out preventive activities in schools for preventive purposes and x inform the population of this possibility!
Being able to treat themselves even for pathologies of the mouth for which, before our intervention, they had no chance
After 6 months, the hospital will hire dentists and the ministry of health will ensure that the service is efficient and active over the years.
In two other hospitals of regional importance Bururi and Hospital de la Police in Bujumbura, in reality the latter is of national importance we have provided equipment to allow colleagues present, Esther is always our graduate, to be able to perform conservative services.
In the national police hospital, our graduate Esther had a cot and 4 pliers in a low and dark room ...

Reconnaissance mission and implementation of dental practices at the hospitals of Rumonge, Bururi; Rutana, Bugiumbura Police Hospital. BURUNDI
Alfonso Alfredo Ferrauti 10/08/2022 02/09/2022
Upon arrival, the SMOM suitcase was immediately intercepted and blocked. It took two full days of visits to various offices and the decisive intervention of the "Transiteur" M. Aster to clear it through customs.
RUMONGE 800 above sea level
Fourth town with 450,000 inhabitants, on Lake Tanganyika, is relatively rich for fishing. Low buildings scattered over a vast territory, it has a decent hospital where we have been assigned an environment with a room, a closet, a small bathroom with sink and a small compartment where you could put the sterilization. The armchair is old and without a water unit, but it has light and makes almost all the movements. A wall unit with suction was already installed. Unfortunately, the new, brought air scaler does not work. Big problem because oral hygiene is in great demand. A sterilizer is missing because the autoclave brought by Gael is broken. For the moment we will use that of the hospital. On the other hand, the compressor purchased and placed in an external cage has been well connected and has no leaks. The suction of the unit consumes a lot of air and the compressor is always running while you work.
The dentist Vianney with whom we set up the practice was immediately operational and, after a month, treats about 6 patients a day. The tools are not many but (with the integration of some taken from Rutana) enough to get started. Consumables arrived with the suitcase that has been cleared through customs. For the missing things (scaler, etc) the Gael Representative will take care of it.
Asphalted road up to Mugara (11 Km) then a dirt road uphill for another 5 Km.
The entrance costs 3000 F for the locals, ten times as much for the Muzungo but the ticket collector gladly takes a ticket to let you in without removing the ticket. There are three springs, one of which is cold and two at 52 degrees. Two small circular pools with cold water and a swimming pool of a few meters with half a meter of very hot water (48?). You can get your feet wet. Nearby is a simple hotel with rooms of 15/20 / 25,000 F. Tel 61105050. There is also another hotel nearby at 40,000 F.
We went with Vianney by public bus first and then by motorbike on the dirt road. 12000 F / pax A / R
RUTANA 1800 asl
Country of about 25,000 inhabitants, very simple south / east of the capital Gitega towards the border with Tanzania.
08/19/2022 Rumonge - Rutana partly run down asphalt road (approx 110 km h 2.30 but with a good stretch in good condition. Hilly landscape devastated by deforestation to make way for oil palm, wood trees and crops.
Rural hospital in a minor tone and a little neglected. In the older part, we found a large room with a large work base and a working sink. Next to another sink. Present an armchair in fair condition without with water unit and without surgery that has been placed in a corner. There is another room with a functioning sink and a steel work base. Outside in a compressor box in good condition. All in a state of abandonment.
With the coordination of Gael came a complete armchair with seat. Water unit, movements and light working. Commissioned together with the Romualdo technician and positioned according to the operator's way of working. Really very difficult to solve the problem of air leaks because once one had been fixed, a second was discovered and so on up to the joints of the arms where Romualdo had to surrender. According to him, not even Ngozi's technician could replace the internal tubes which, brought from Italy, I left in case someone wanted to try their hand at the repair. We have replaced the old wall unit (without suction) with the new one in the suitcase. It works very well and it is with this that we will work due to the impossibility of using the tablet and the quivers of the unit. Plenty of tools, enough materials to start but the various cutters are scarce. Unfortunately, the scaler is missing, which is essential because oral hygiene is a very popular service. The old cylinder sterilizer is faulty and the hospital sterilizer will have to be used.
Together with the dental unit, the technician and Gael, the Pacifique dentist arrived, very willing and who immediately gave himself a lot to do even with the energetic cleaning because the rooms were really very dirty.
He started working, unfortunately with few patients because the study was not properly publicized, but after a month he treats 3/4 patients a day?
BURURI 1900 asl 20,000 inhabitants approx
The whole South of the country is heavily deforested to make way for oil palms, some crops and wood trees to obtain coal, essential for cooking. This small town surrounded by greenery is an exception because it is close to the small Reserve de la foret de Bururi.
Hospital in good condition and well-kept with a room dedicated to the dental service. Very clean and well maintained thanks to the nurse and assistant Mme Rita. The Egyptian dentist Dr. Emad, military and sent by his government as part of the EAPD (Egyptian Agency of Partnership for Development) cooperation works there. He is in his third year with a contract that is renewed every year. He is not paid by the hospital because he is paid by his government and he is not always present because he is entitled to three days of leave a week. He also allows long periods of absence as reported by the Director and as I have been able to verify personally. All this does not help the continuity of the study and its positive development in the future. Until our intervention, only extractions that were carried out correctly could be practiced. The average of interventions (from the register of the first six months of 2022) is 55 patients per month.
An oil-free twin-cylinder compressor and an ultrasonic scaler have recently arrived from Egypt. The studio also has a wheeled x-ray unit and a dry sterilizer. Discreet assortment of levers and pliers.
There is a recent reclining chair but without anything else and an older one with a working light and water unit. The tablet had problems with the quivers and for this reason we installed a wall unit (with suction) on the light pole which the dentist greatly appreciated. Also left a turbine because the present one was blocked. All the endodontic tools and many of the conservative ones are missing and we have not had the opportunity to verify the quality of care. The dentist also knows how to do some minor maintenance and has some DIY tools.
The Director, Dr. Jerome, the bursar and all the others were interested and very cooperative. Gael will think about formalizing our intervention and getting the missing material to arrive.
Bujumbura Police Hospital
The Dental Practice is located in a large room, bare and equipped with an examination table, a lamp and some levers. Dentist Dr. Esther can only do a few simple extractions.
We installed a wall unit (which will soon be replaced with one with suction) and prepared everything to connect the compressor and the suction exhausts. Soon there will also be an armchair in fair condition, a compressor and everything needed to make the studio fully operational.
All these projects should be followed over time to verify their sustainability and possibly strengthen it with materials and means and with adequate awareness of the Responsible Authorities about the methods to be put in place for a correct management of dental practices. Management and entrepreneurship which is very different from the management of a medical clinic.