Responding to a request from the Congregation of the Camillian Fathers, we built a brick and concrete structure within their hospital in Djougou to insert a dental clinic equipped to carry out any type of conservative, surgical, endodontic and, in a small way part, including prosthetic. Given the logistical difficulty of getting there, the fundamental purpose of this project is the professional training of a Camillian Brother who, with the basic skills given to him by his doctor's degree, can devote himself to dentistry so as to be able to manage the clinic in the future. For this purpose, a scholarship must be provided which will serve to support the Brother during the period of formation in the most suitable University. In the meantime, a local dentist will be supported, who can be helped by our volunteers for the first few years, so that the structure can immediately be operational and provide those services that are historically lacking in that area. The dental clinic thus becomes the main point of reference, if not the only one, of a vast area in the north of Benin.
General objective
The ultimate goal is to improve the quality of life of the population and reduce oral disease thanks to a primary and secondary prevention protocol aimed at correcting inadequate socio-dietary habits and behaviors.
Caritas Developpement Santé Djougou Hopital de la Santè de Djougou and SMOM odv
Specific Objectives
Construction of the building structure and preparation of the dental clinic
Send material and specialist volunteers for health care activities and staff training.
To train a confrere so that he can have the appropriate skills to respond to the dental needs of the hospital patients
Expected results
Make the dental clinic operational.
Qualification 1 dental operator.
Once the construction of a structure prepared to receive the operational environments has been completed, the work setting phase will follow through the sending of volunteers, and the personnel training phase through the envisaged scholarship.
Need Analysis
The public and private health system does not allow adequate health care for the population, a population which, among the various health needs, has a high prevalence of dental disease.
Technical Project Data
Project start
Project status
Project manager
Project Cost
€ 15,000